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Self-injection port Jars coming empty or sterilized and with distilled water.
If you’ve opted for the empty jar, please note that is must be sterilized prior to being used for any form of study as it will leave your projects prone to contamination otherwise. We recommend the use of a pressure cooker for this, to reach optimum temperatures.
Under sterile conditions (I.e., within a still air box, Laminar Flow Hood, etc…) all you need to do is scrape your spore print into the jar of water, screw the lid back on and you’re good to go!
To remove your solution from the jar, first make sure you wipe the injection port with an alcohol swab. Then, using a new, sterile, 21g needle continue to make a hole in the top of your jar to retrieve it’s contents. Although the injection port is sterile, you can always add a piece of micropore tape to secure your jar whilst you store it. Make sure to store your jar within the fridge at 2-8c. It’s a good idea to test the spore solution on a Petri Dish or Jar containing Agar to ensure your solution has no contamination present.
If using petri dishes, make sure to squirt the spore solution into a circle. This way it’s easier to tell if the agar has grown contamination in the circle because the solution is dirty, or outside the circle because your test conditions were not sterile.
If the test solution is good, you will see white mycelial growth. If any colours show, your solution is contaminated. Your jar would be unfit to use. If contamination is the case, make sure to pour away the jars contents. Fill the jar with distilled water and pressure cook with a loosened lid for two hours at 15psi. The jar is ready to use once more!
You can cut clean segments from your agar and transfer these to new agar until you have a clean sample. For agar jars this can be done with a syringe. Once a jar has been tested clean (white mycelium only) you will have about 260ml of spore solution to use whenever you wish!
What You Will Receive
You will receive an empty jar, or a sterilized jar with 300ml of distilled water. Both will come with an injection port.
Please note that it is illegal to grow magic mushrooms within the UK. We ask that you do not use these spores to grow mushrooms, but instead use them to study under a microscope. We cannot be held liable for any illegal use of these spores. Please check your local regulations as we cannot be responsible for the laws you should follow in your own country.
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