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Greetings, fellow lab enthusiasts! Let’s talk about the wondrous device known as the still air box.
So what is a still air box?
A still air box is a scientific tool that creates a safe haven for your delicate experiments by keeping the air nice and still. It’s like a zen garden for your lab, where you can meditate on the mysteries of science without any pesky air currents to disturb your peace.
But why is stillness so important?
Well, my curious friends. The still air inside the “Still Air Box” allows airborne contaminants to fall down to the very bottom of the box. With the air remaining still and the mycologist working slowly. The contaminants stay at the bottom of the box. We have included a rack to lift your projects up and away from trouble.
By creating a calm, stable environment, you can perform experiments with the utmost accuracy and consistency. Whether you’re working with microorganisms, cell cultures, or delicate materials that require a sterile environment, the still air box is a trusty tool that will keep your work safe and sound.
How Big is the Box and what comes with it?
The box is an 80l model.
Dimensions: Internal measurements first-External measurements second. Length:48cm59.5cm Width:29cm40cm Height:40cm42cm.
The box comes with two Screw Seal access hatches for you to place your hands through. These can then be screwed closed to keep your projects safe until you need to work with them again.
A MycoRack which is Chrome plated to keep your project 3/5 inches up from the bottom and safe.
How do I use my MycoSAB?
To use the MycoSAB. Please choose a room that is calm and without draft.
Place your MycoSAB on a table that is at a comfortable working height.
To open the still air box before you start work, it is advised to release the side lid catches and lift the box up and away from the lid.
Place the items you would like to work with on to the still air box lid.
With all items in place you can Place the box down onto its lid and clip in place.
To place items into the box without opening the box, items under 100mm in size may be passed through the access hatch.
The screw in/out hatches should be screw in place at this point.
Allow 20mins for the contaminant particles inside the box to fall down onto the lid before starting to work.
After the 20mins you may carefully unscrew and store the hatches.
Slowly place your hands into the MycoSAB.
Work slowly and with practice this Still Air Box will become your best friend.
So, there you have it, the still air box aka MycoSab, a scientific tool that brings peace, precision, and purity to your lab experiments. May your results always be accurate, and may the stillness be with you!
Need more information?
Check out our YouTube channel for in depth tutorials on how to use our kits.
Please note that it is illegal to grow magic mushrooms within the UK. We ask that you do not use these spores to grow mushrooms, but instead use them to study under a microscope. We cannot be held liable for any illegal use of these spores. Please check your local regulations as we cannot be responsible for the laws you should follow in your own country.
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