These beauties are derived from the shores of the coastal regions of Arcadia, known for its natural beauty which the spores themselves radiate. This is another strain that has moved on from it’s history of deep-rooted ancient traditions and has been dragged towards the 21st century for your benefit.
The golden caps of this mushroom remind us of the sandy banks of its natural habitat, whilst the light brown stems are reminiscent of the drift wood that piles the beach.
This strain is known for it’s immersive, world-bending effect on those who research it. It’s reported to have conjured spiritual awakenings in individuals, as well as hallucinations and a shift in sensory perception.
Why not visit the Arcadian Coast this Summer?
Please note that it is illegal to grow magic mushrooms within the UK. We ask that you do not use these spores to grow mushrooms, but instead use them to study under a microscope. We cannot be held liable for any illegal use of these spores. Please check your local regulations as we cannot be responsible for the laws you should follow in your own country.
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